The new shopping literacy ~ Increasing Revenue

The Warehouse Gateway, is i-Shop Applications 

 With the employment of the i-Shop model your shoppers will have the experience of shopping while fulfillment can efficiently be accomplished via the depot style store.

 New advertising revenue$  The ability to raise your aisle height by 2 feet to accommodate digital reach (more items, more opportunity$)  The ability to offer hard goods and items not normally carried in store$  Rapid Digital store reset, change one model for all stores, faster, cheaper ($aving Money$)  Shopping Depot and retail pick up area  Stores with NO retail traffic, only online sales (Grocery Depot$)  Stores with lower square footage cost (Savings$)  Stores with lower labor cost  Private label coolers, for sale$ or deposit, expand the order fulfillment time  Each cooler will carry name of store and ordering information.  Digital end cap displays. (Change rapidly, Collect Advertising Revenue$)