The new shopping literacy ~ Benefits

The Future of Robotic Order Picking 

 There is no opportunity to implement robotic order picking without the Depot model

 Shopping Depot and retail pick up area  Stores with NO retail traffic, only online sales (Grocery Depot$)  Stores with lower square footage cost (Saving$)  Stores with lower Insurance cost with liability for employees only (Saving$)  Stores with lower labor cost, less management, skilled help (Saving$)  Private label coolers, for sale$ or deposit, expand the order fulfillment time.  Each cooler will carry name of store and ordering information  Rapid digital store reset. Change one model for all stores! ($aving Money$)  Digital end cap displays. (Change rapidly, Collect Advertising Revenue$)  More Affordable$ Warehouse Environment  Shopping Depot is an opportunity to Quickly Expand$ your market area  A true in store $hopping experience (Same online system as above)  Sky lights and high, side and back windows will $ave lighting cost  Solar equipment will further lower operating Cost$